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Training Course in Crete

From 8th to 15th May, the training course for the Digital Youth Work project took place in Chania, Crete. This is an Erasmus+ funded project (KA1 - Learning Mobility) that aims to train Youth Workers on the use of digital tools in their work with young people. The Italian group of 9 youth workers joined the national groups from the partner countries: Greece, Lithuania, Poland and Romania.
During the week the participants were trained about different digital tools, which can facilitate youth working. The workshop included several activities, both multimedia presentations of the digital tools, working in groups on the digital platforms themselves, as well as discussions and reflections on what the progressive digitalisation of daily activities, and especially of youth work, can bring, with its advantages and disadvantages.

Some of the tools presented during the training are already well known (Whatsapp, Google Drive, Kahoot, Discord and others), while others are rapidly gaining ground in recent times and are valuable for creating videos, texts and sharing files. The sharing of best practices and topics discussed during the week is facilitated by the creation of a digital booklet in which ten of the tools seen in the workshop were collected. The booklet was created by the participants in the last session of the training and goes into detail about ten tools considered particularly significant for youth work activities. As soon as it is finalised, it will be available for consultation.

The Italian group got a lot out of this week; for many of them it was their first experience as participants in a training course abroad and that’s why they will tell you about it.

CAMILLA, 19 anni
This was the first project I participated in from the Erasmus+ programme.
The topic of Digital Youth Work was very interesting and especially useful nowadays to deepen skills and learn new information about digital tools, programmes and apps.
The project was well organised by the host association with different activities (workshops, games…) and the camping where the training took place was really nice, I especially enjoyed the city of Chania. It was also interesting to stay with people from other European countries, to learn a bit of their culture and to test myself in English. Definitely an experience to try out’.

The training in Crete was fundamental in making me aware of tools that were unknown to me and which proved to be particularly effective in planning work and certain aspects of private life. The proposed format was particularly suitable for the age group involved (20-30 years old) and enabled effective team building from the outset, which continued throughout the training. The constant alternation of notional information, playful activities, cooperation and practice ensured that there was never any boring moment and that the days passed pleasantly, strengthening the various friendships and team spirit. Unfortunately, the duration of the training does not allow for a little more in-depth study, but it is definitely an experience I would do again.

SAMUELE, 21 anni
Describing the training course in Crete is not easy, especially knowing that it was my last mobility abroad as a Civil Service volunteer at the Europe and Project Department. It started out like my previous mobility, without fully understanding what the project was about and with a lot of anxiety that I would not fit in with the rest of the group. The fear of not fitting in was swept away from the very first evening, when my Italian companions and I were invited by the Lithuanian group to chat by the pool. Understanding the project, on the other hand, took a few days, but thanks to the fantastic IRTEA facilitators, even a non-digital like me was eventually able to understand how to use certain tools. The feeling that was created among us Italians pushed me to be proactive and open also with the other national groups and during the activities, so it is to them that the first and warmest thanks go: thank you Leonardo, Marco, Andrea, Camilla, Elisabetta, Elisa Dafne and finally Sabrina, who was everyone’s point of reference. Special thanks to the IRTEA Youth Workers and all the young people from Greece, Lithuania, Poland and Romania for making the week unforgettable. Finally, thanks to the Europe and Project Department for once again inspiring me to participate in a wonderful experience.

LEONARDO, 24 anni
It was my first experience of this kind, and it exceeded my expectations.
All the people I met during those days were kind, helpful, patient, willing to open up and receive you, as if they had known you all their lives. I was able to get out of my comfort zone in a safe place, improve my English, deepen my knowledge of topics related to my path, meeting new people, now friends. The leaders of our group, Sabrina and Samuele, were excellent: responsible and available in times of need, friendly and engaging in activities and breaks, facilitators of an experience which I hope to repeat soon.

MARCO, 24 anni
If doubts prevailed at the outset, the certainty of wanting to do it all over again prevailed at the return. But let’s go in order.
This was the first time I have participated in an Erasmus+ project and I can only be happy about it. As I said, doubts prevailed at first, the fear of being in a situation I would not know how to handle. Fear that melted away the moment we arrived at the camping, welcomed by the organisers who stayed awake to help the latest arrivals and by a group of young people from Lithuania, who invited us to have a chat with them by the pool.
The Training Course was about digital tools useful within youth policy, a topic that concerns me as I work with young people and music. The trainer managed to give the necessary attention to the different tools, letting the group debate the pros and cons of one or the other. I appreciated the balance between free time and training, where free time seemed to be part of the training.
I found myself in a friendly environment that made you feel at home right from the beginning. Everyone with their own history and culture made me feel part of something bigger than the city I live in.
I did not experience any boring moments, each person around stimulated my attention and my desire to get involved. Everyone was a protagonist and no one was left behind.
During the experience, the facilitators Sabrina and Samuele were always available and ready to solve any kind of doubt.
I learned digital tools I was unaware of, I met people from other parts of Europe who quickly became friends, and I discovered the Erasmus+ initiatives, which offer great opportunities.

And guys, what a vibe. What energy. What love.

Data ultima modifica: 24 May 2023
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