Our Eurodesk Center, supported by the Representation of the European Commission in Milan and with the collaboration of the Informagiovani Coordination of Anci Lombardia, is pleased to announce that on June 12 will be held a major conference on Youth Work. The conference will lasts one day and it will be dedicated to the current and future prospects of European policies and programs in favour of youth.
The day is organized in two distinct and related sessions: in the morning, a conference dedicated to Youth Work and, in the afternoon, a training seminar on transnational mobility programs for the education of young people.
The detailed work schedule is available here
Below there is some useful information for registration and participants.
Date and location of proceedings
June 12th 2018
ICE - Sala Pirelli
Corso Magenta, 59
20123 Milan, Italy
To ensure your participation it is mandatory to register for free by filling out the online form HERE
Conference Goals
The conference on Youth Work aims to disseminate the latest information on the state of the art of Youth Work in the light of the perspectives related to the recent proposal of the European Commission for the implementation of the EU Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021-2027 and the results of the European Structured Dialogue activities with Youth for the biennium 2017-2018, with the aim of enabling local authorities develop and/or strengthen their competences and actions in the field of policies in favour of youth from a European perspective.
Target audience
The conference is aimed at administrators/managers/officials of public bodies and representatives of local/regional youth organizations who wish to improve the quality of youth policies realised at a local level.
The conference takes place over half a day and has a total duration of about 4 hours. Participation is free.
At the end of the conference there will be a light lunch.