Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk

The outputs

Through the CoYOUTHworking project, partners from Italy, Portugal, France, the Netherlands and Croatia have worked on the creation of 3 outputs, tools that allow to increase the social impact of coworking spaces in that territory.

Multiplier event in Portugal

On the 30th of November, the APPJuventude - Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais de Juventude, presented in Lisbon Youth Centre the final results of the CoYOUTHworking project.

Multiplier event in Netherlands

On 28th October, Impact Hub Amsterdam organized their multiplier event. The network of stakeholders, cowork members, entrepreneurs and youth workers were invited.

Multiplier event in Croatia

On the 23 of September, HUB385 hosted the very first multiplier event as a part of their coYOUTHworking journey.

Multiplier event in France

On the 10th of September, on the occasion of the 10th birthday of Co-actions in Captieux, the French multiplier event of the final results of CoYOUTHworking took place.

CoYOUTHworking multiplier event in Matera

From 7 to 9 October in Matera the foreign partners of the CoYOUTHworking Project met participants and partners of the the HubOut project, a twinning between the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo and the Municipality of Matera.

The fourth work group in Zagabria

The fourth and final meeting of the work group on CoYOUTHworking, hosted by the organization Nest01 - HUB385, took place from the 20th to the 23rd September in Zagabria, Croatia.

The third work group in Viseu

After more than a year in which the covid-19 pandemic forced the partners of CoYOUTHworking to develop the project online, from 5th to 8th of July the representatives of the organizations had the opportunity to meet again in Viseu, hosted by the Portuguese organization APPJuventude.

The second working group in Bordeaux

The second CoYOUTHworking working group met in Bordeaux, France, from February 17th to 20th, 2020.

The first Work Group in Amsterdam

The Dutch partner Impact Hub Amsterdam hosted the first CoYOUTHworking working group, for the definition of guidelines for the involvement of young people in coworking spaces.


From 28 to 30 October took place the first meeting with the partners of our CoYOUTHworking project.

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