On the 27th of February we organised two multiplier events for the dissemination of the project Didactic Mine!
The Didactic Mine of Youth Work project aims to reshape current structures by promoting a more inclusive and sustainable economic model through the introduction of renewed approaches such as entrepreneurial education, as well as to provide new tools for youth organisations to work with their target groups in the field of social entrepreneurship.
Since the project is coming to an end, thanks to these two events it was possible to show one of its results: the interactive game on social entrepreneurship and the SDGs.
During the morning we went to the Cultural Centre "Il Pertini" for the first presentation, where all the youth workers, or anyone who works with youth took part.
Instead in the afternoon, in our office, we met the employees who work with the education or childcare sectors, with schools, with social workers, and more generally those who are in contact with young people in their daily lives.
After a short presentation of the project and the results reached, we showed the structure of the e-book and its activities, to then move on with the demonstration of the game and its rules.
Everyone was really interested in discovering the game, a tool that they can use for future activities!
If you want more information, please visit the official website: