On Thursday, May 5, 2022, the first coordination meeting of Cityful, the project that aims to strengthen the skills of NEETs and school dropouts by enhancing the role of youth workers as professionals who can guide them, and the Third Sector as a space for personal and professional growth, was held online.
Before addressing the technical and managerial aspects of the project, time was spent getting to know each other and introducing the different organizations. In fact, the partnership is very rich from the point of view of profiles and areas of expertise: realities such as Nordic European Mobility (Sweden), Co-Actions (France) and Trokut (Croatia) have experience in working with young people with fewer opportunities, respectively of migrant origin, from rural areas and NEET; the operators of Itinerari Paralleli, a technical partner, will provide their knowledge in the creation of an interactive online game; the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo will coordinate the project, as well as represent a bridge between public body and Third Sector.
The meeting continued with a brief training related to the Erasmus+ program, on which some of the partners are interfacing for the first time. This made it possible to establish a common language and clarify the general objectives of the funding, which focuses on young people and cooperation between practitioners and organizations that, at different levels, work with the new generations.
It was then explained in detail what youth work, non-formal education and tools for the recognition of transversal skills such as Youthpass consist of.
In the following sessions of the kick-off meeting, the partners discussed aspects purely related to the implementation, management, and monitoring of the activities to be developed over the next 2 years, establishing their respective responsibilities and agreeing on the tools for communicating and promoting the results.