Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk
Servizi > Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk > Eurodesk Cinisello Balsamo Agency (EN) > Events


On Tuesday 29th January, Biljana, collaborator and trainee of the Universal Civil Service within the Office of Youth Policies, went to Rome for the meeting of ESC-Design Training.

The initiative is moved by ANG to train and to inform about activities aimed at young people, institutions and organizations promoted by the program "European Solidarity Corps".
Attendance at this first scheduled session of meetings was impressive, and ANG assures that more will follow throughout 2019. The schedule will be available soon.

Biljana tells us that the specific focus was on the Quality Label ESC52, which guarantees and certifies the respect of principles and goals of European Solidarity Corps and the quality about the activities of Volunteering, Internship, Work promoted by the organizations participating in the Program.

The initiative has deepened the aspects of planning within the ESC31 Solidarity Projects, providing information on the criteria for the presentation of projects, on issues of solidarity, social commitment of young people, participation and inclusion.

Data ultima modifica: 22 febbraio 2021
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