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Mid-term meeting in Cinisello Balsamo

From 12 to 14 April 2023, the Mid-term meeting for the Make it Grow! project took place in Cinisello Balsamo.

Make it Grow! is a project funded by the Erasmus+ - Capacity Building program in the field of Youth and which sees the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo (as Leader) in collaboration with the Municipality of Edremit (Turkey) and the associations Art Kontakt (Albania), Orhideja Stolac (Bosnia Herzegovina) and Touristic Kluster (Montenegro).

During the first day of the meeting we focused on the results obtained during the months and analyzed the next project steps. To get started, we took the list of expectations and concerns related to the activities that we elaborated during the kick-off meeting in June 2022.
It was interesting to see how many of the expectations and concerns remained the same and others are no longer a problem.

The dates of mobility to be held in the different project partner countries were decided and any changes discussed. Procedures for mobility and project results were examined.
The last point reviewed during the first day was the dissemination of the Policy Guidelines Paper. This last element was the central point of the two following days of meetings.

The second day began with the reading of the research carried out by an Italian institute (that can be found on the website of the European Commission) on social entrepreneurship in each country member of the European Union.
Research articles were used by project partners to implement a chapter on the needs of each country within the Policy Guidelines Paper.
The partners worked together to modify the Policy Guidelines Paper index, exchanging views and ideas on how best to develop the document, and then split the chapters on which to work later. The second day of work ended with the sharing and discussion among the partners of the individual research work they did on the needs of the partner countries.

The third and final day of work was dedicated to the review of the final Hackaton in Turkey to be held in June 2024 and the preparation of the draft on the structure of the different mobility that will follow. The meeting ended with a draft presented by the Bosnian partners on mobility planning to be held in Bosnia from 19 to 22 June 2023 in Stolac.

There were moments to learn more about the territory of Cinisello Balsamo, through the visit of the traveling exhibition on discrimination of the European project "Val.UE. s | Valorizing Lives & Understanding European (hi)Stories" at Centro Culturale Il Pertini.

Data ultima modifica: 20 April 2023
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