Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk
Servizi > Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk > HubOut - Laboratory of social innovation


After the forced pause, due to the health emergency linked to the spread of Covid-19, the twinning between the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo and the Municipality of Matera comes to life. An administrative twinning resulted in the project “HubOut. Public spaces for shared work”, which provides a series of actions and activities in the two territories, directed to young people aged between 16 and 35 years.
The Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo, thanks to the HubOut initiative, has provided for a pathway to entrepreneurship, that lasts three months with a participation allowance of 700 euros per month. This is called Entrecomp Lab Senior. The initiative, aimed at young people aged between 18 and 35 years, is based on learning entrepreneurial skills. The purpose of this training is the creation of a youth business. The applications for project ideas must be received by noon on Monday, October 26th, 2020. In addition, the application form available on the website www.hubout.it must be completed.

«It is a great satisfaction to be able to officially kick off, after the lockdown period, the project “HubOut. Public spaces for shared work”. It is an opportunity for young people, a tool that enhances innovative ideas and prevents the dispersion of young talent from the territory. A project that confirms the prominent position of the Youth Policies of our Municipality and allows young people to measure themselves with every aspect related to entrepreneurship, through a path that starts from an idea and leads to its practical realization in the world of work». These are the words of the Councillor, with delegation to the Office Europe, Enrico Zonca.

Along this path of personal, professional and entrepreneurial growth, the selected candidates will be supported by professors form the Politecnico di Milano, territorial business associations, co-working centres and will have access to the support of project management experts.
The stages, which from the presentation of business proposals will lead to the selection of those that can actually be developed, include free participation in the Learning Weekend. This will allow candidates to focus on their idea, also thanks to tools that enable to understand its economic feasibility. The candidate groups, or groups formed during the Learning Weekend, will have to present their idea during the Elevator Pitch to enter the internship path. The activity will take place at Villa Breme Forno in Balsamo. At the end of the internship participants will receive a certification of the acquired skills.

Data ultima modifica: 3 febbraio 2021
  • Via XXV aprile, 4 20092 Cinisello Balsamo

    Centralino 02660231

    Numero Verde 800397469

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    Posta certificata: comune.cinisellobalsamo@pec.regione.lombardia.it

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