“Hubout. Public spaces of shared work” Elevator Pitch 03/12/2020
“Hubout. Public spaces of shared work” Elevator Pitch 03/12/2020
The Elevator Pitch took place on Thursday 3 December 2020 at 2.30 pm, the last selection phase of the HubOut-Synergies project of the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo.
The elevator pitch is in fact the speech that an entrepreneur would make to an investor if he happened to be with him in the elevator. The entrepreneur, therefore, would be forced to describe himself and his business succinctly, clearly and effectively to convince the investor to invest in him, but within the time limits imposed by the lift.
At the Learning Weekend, a two-day event dedicated to the "focus" of ideas, 28 business ideas were presented. Of these, 14 went as far as the Elevator Pitch. 49 young people got involved, helped by the advice and lessons they had during the Learning Weekend held by Professor Sergio Campodall’Orto, professor at the Politecnico of Milan.
During the event, which was held online on the Zoom platform, the groups had 3 minutes to present their business idea in the most effective way possible to convince the jury to vote for them.
The commission, made up of professionals such as Massimo Capano (Project Manager), Daniela Galvani (Entrepreneur and co-founder of WhatASpace), Marco Maillaro (North Milan Entrepreneurs Association), Sergio Campodall’Orto (Politenoco of Milan- Design Department) and Sebastiano Megale (AnciLab), once the presentation was over, had, in turn, 7 minutes to ask the group some in-depth questions.
Finally, the jury voted on the 7 ideas selected to participate in the Entrecomp Lab senior path, chosen on the basis of the following indicators: Feasibility - feasibility of the idea; Originality and degree of innovation of the idea, Sustainability, Quality of the pitch presentation, creativity, team and impact on the Cinisello Balsamo area.
The development path of entrepreneurial skills will be conducted in collaboration with the professors of the Politecnico of Milan, the territorial entrepreneurial associations, the Coworking centers and with the support of Project management experts. The aim is to avoid the dispersion of young talents from the territory, to support the development of the share capital in the territory and will allow participants to acquire the necessary skills to evaluate their entrepreneurial capacity as well as to verify their business ideas.
Here are the names of the ideas admitted to the Senior EnterecompLab:
The Crimp & the Good Life
Argo, un occhio in più
Ladysoccer Shop-respect for women’s sport
Nora / Lome
Insiem.e - Media Education for Digital Education
PMXPA / .ofYouth
The path will start between the end of January and the beginning of February 2021. All the ideas presented were characterized by great originality and equipped with innovative visions. Thanks to all the young people who have worked during these weeks to develop their idea in the best possible way!
In the next few days we will present the ideas admitted to the path.