On October 10, 2024, as part of the "Town Twinning" program, we hosted the Turkish delegation from the Municipality of Edremit in Cinisello Balsamo.
The Youth Committee for the Environment was created through the European project ‘’Youth Participation in Creating Resilient Cities - Town Twinning between Turkey and EU‘’.
The collaboration with Legambiente Cinisello Balsamo allowed the protagonists, the students of the Liceo Casiraghi of Cinisello Balsamo, to elaborate various proposals related to environmental sustainability.
Three seminars trainings took place on the 7th, 8th and 10th May 2024, both at the ’Il Pertini’ Cultural Centre, on the subject of climate changes.
On 24th April 2024, the "Summit for Climate and Youth Participation" event of the Town Twinning project "Youth Participation in Creating Resilient Cities" took place at Villa Ghirlanda in Cinisello Balsamo.
Il 5 marzo 2024, presso il Centro culturale Il Pertini, abbiamo finalmente incontrato i giovani che parteciperanno con noi al progetto Town Twinning, di cui il Comune di Cinisello Balsamo è partner insieme alla municipalità turca di Edremit, capofila del progetto, Fondazione Legambiente Innovazione e l’Università degli Studi di Milano.
On the 20th November 2023 the kick off meeting for the European project Town Twinning – Youth Participation in Creating Resilient Cities took place.
Via XXV aprile, 4 20092 Cinisello Balsamo
Centralino 02660231
Numero Verde 800397469
WhatsApp 366.6229188
Posta certificata: comune.cinisellobalsamo@pec.regione.lombardia.it
Codice Fiscale 01971350150
Partita Iva 00727780967
Codice Catastale: C707
Sito registrato al Tribunale di Monza n. 2022