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Transnational meeting in Porto for Youth Monitor project

From the 21 to the 24 November we went to Porto, in Portugal, for the first Transnational Partner Meeting for the european project Youth Monitor.

Youth Monitor wants to create a support for the creation of the youth policies and their role in different places.

We were hosted by the municipality of Porto, that organized the logistics aspects and all the activities. During the meeting there were, besides us, all the partner representatives’ : The Municipality of Porto, the portuguese association APPJUVENTUDE, the romanian Municipality of Ramnicu Sarat, the austrian university of Krems and the Diputacion de Barcelona.

We had the opportunity to discuss and debate youth policies in our area, how we could implement them and the role of the Youth Worker.During the second day we met and worked with the employees from the youth policy offices of some of the 17 municipalities that are part of the Metropolitan City of Porto. It was very interesting to learn about the actions activated for young people and to see the role that small municipalities play in relation to a Metropolitan City.

We defined the next steps of the project, for example the analysis of the youth policies currently present in the area and then to see if they can be improved or integrated.

Stay updated to discover what will happen during the next months!

Data ultima modifica: 14 May 2024
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