On Tuesday, 28th February 2023, the third and last workshop of the European project Val.UE.s. (Valuing Lives & Understanding European (hi)Stories), funded by the European CERV programme, took place.
Val.UE.s aims to raise awareness among the younger generations on the topic of discrimination with a look back to the past and then stimulate reflection on discrimination today.
The final product of the project will be the creation of a travelling exhibition on the theme of discrimination, realised in collaboration with the Mufoco Museum of Contemporary Photography and a class from a local high school, involved thanks to a dedicated PCTO. Inside the exhibition, which will open on 25th March at the Pertini, there will be images, texts and video-interviews on the theme of discrimination, treated from a historical and contemporary point of view. It is precisely on this last point - the realisation of the exhibition - that the last workshop focused.
The students, divided into three groups, dealt with the various areas to be managed for the exhibition. The three groups were respectively Communication and Marketing, Curatorship, and Guided Tours. The Communication and Marketing group was responsible for sponsoring the exhibition, producing the flyer and drafting the communication plan. With the help of a municipal administration employee specialising in Communication, the young people also took care of the drafting of the press release.
The Guided Tours group, on the other hand, produced the introduction to the exhibition and a brief description of it, in order to guide the various visitors through the exhibition.
Finally, the group in charge of Curatorship decided how to compose the exhibition; they tried to place the images chosen during the second workshop on posters.
As mentioned above, the exhibition opening will be on 25th March at the ’Il Pertini’ library in Cinisello Balsamo. The inauguration will also be attended by the project partners, the Sapienza Innovazione Consortium of Rome (Lead Partner), the Sturzo Institute of Rome, and three European universities (Hungary, Romania, and Lithuania). If you are curious to see the final realisation of the exhibition, we look forward to seeing you on 25th March!