The second day of workshops of the European project Val.UE.s (Valuing Lives & Understanding European (hi)Stories), funded by the European CERV program, was held on Friday, Feb. 10.
Val.UE.s aims to raise awareness among the younger generation on the issue of discrimination with a look at the past, then stimulating reflection on discrimination nowadays.
The project is implemented in partnership with the Sapienza Innovazione Consortium of Rome (Lead Partner), the Sturzo Institute of Rome, and three European universities (Hungary, Romania and Lithuania).
The final product of the project will be the creation of a roving exhibition on the theme of discrimination, created in collaboration with the Mufoco Museum of Contemporary Photography and a class from a local high school, involved through a dedicated PCTO.
Within the exposition, which will open on March 25 at the library "The Pertini" , there will be images, texts and video interviews on the topic of discrimination, treated from historical and contemporary perspectives.
At the end of the first workshop date, students were assigned tasks,
divided into groups: they had to choose representative images of discrimination, produce
texts, and transcribe some video interviews conducted in collaboration with the Municipality.
During the second day of the workshop, also conducted this time by a staff consisting of employees from the municipal administration, Mufoco and Civil Service volunteers, students were involved in non-formal education activities aimed at reflecting on the theme, developing personal elaborations and creating materials that will be used in the creation of the project exposition.
In the first part of the day, the students told how the video interviews they conducted went: the students exposed the difficulties they encountered in conducting the interviews and what the filmed interview conveyed to them, their emotions and reactions.
Then, each group displayed the various pictures they chose, telling why the photograph was meaningful to them. Next, there was then a collective voting moment, where the scholars voted for the best photo for each group.
After a small coffee-break we proceeded with the selection of photos from foreign countries. The students, divided into three groups, selected the pictures most meaningful to them and then explained in detail the rationale for the selection.
The work of choosing materials continued in the afternoon, when the students, again divided into groups, selected the most significant parts of the partners’ interviews.
Afterwards, there was a time for discussion and confrontation in which each group expounded on their choices, an opportunity to reflect on behaviors and emotions.
At the final workshop, which will take place on February 28, it will be decided how the exposition will be structured.