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The first Erika’s month in Germany

One month after her departure, Erika tells us about her first impressions of her experience in Germany.

My name is Erika, I’m 27 years old and at the beginning of December I left Cinisello Balsamo to undertake a one-year experience in Witten, Germany.
After graduating and five years of unsatisfactory work, I decided to leave everything behind to dedicate myself to a path that would enrich both my personal and professional life.

In Witten I work with an association that deals with environmental sustainability, focusing mainly on communication and project management in the field.
I write and send newsletters, update the website and support the organization of events related to second hand and creative recycling.

The first few weeks were not easy: I did not know anyone and, having never studied German, I felt in difficulty and felt great embarrassment in dealing with locals.
Over time, however, I slowly began to recognize some words and even understand whole speeches (or almost!).

The people here are incredibly friendly: they do everything to make me feel welcome and supportive. In addition, I met other volunteers and it was really stimulating to meet people who, like me, are experiencing a similar experience. This has helped me so much not to feel alone.

Data ultima modifica: 23 January 2025
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