Europe and Project Department
Servizi > Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk > Eurodesk Cinisello Balsamo Agency (EN) > Opportunities for youngsters > European Solidarity Corps > ESC in Hungary - Francesca

Before leaving for Hungary!

Francesca will leave soon to conduct a volunteering period in Hungary.

We asked her to introduce herself and briefly tell us her thoughts regarding the imminent departure:

’’Hi everyone,

My name is Francesca, I’m 28 years old, and I’m an educator and pedagogist who has been working with children and adolescents for several years now.

After years of study and work, I have decided to finally dedicate time to one of my greatest desires, that is, to have a volunteering experience abroad!

I wanted to choose this type of experience because it allows me to combine two of my greatest passions, languages ​​and adventure.

As a good Sagittarius, a fire sign described as inclined to exploration, I chose Hungary as my volunteer destination, precisely because I know little about their culture and I wanted to start from scratch in a little-known and even slightly underrated place. .

I know little about what I’m going to do and the specifics of the city I’ll be staying in and it’s precisely this detail that entices me; I will definitely work with the local guys and I’m very curious to see what they are like and what characterizes them.

So, take a deep breath and let’s go!’’

Data ultima modifica: 4 October 2024
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