Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk
Servizi > Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk > Eurodesk Cinisello Balsamo Agency (EN) > Opportunities for youngsters > Workcamps


For workcamp we mean a short-term volunteering experience (generally not more than 3 weeks), where volunteers are required to share their abilities or their labour. There are numerous activities: building restoration (schools, hospitals, houses), archaeological excavation fields, environmental, etc.

Most of workcamps are organized by associations or ONG.
With a variable registration fee, according to the workcamp, you will be guaranteed food and accommodation. Travel costs are paid by the volunteer.
The ones who participate in workcamps will have the opportunity to put themselves out there in an international and multicultural context.

Why should I take part in a workcamp?

According to what are your aspirations, capabilities and time available you can opt for a humanitarian workcamp, a volunteering ecological camp or volunteering for cultural heritage.

A workcamp is an educational experience that has among its scopes the one of enriching participants for various reasons:

• It is a concrete civil commitment work;
• It opens mind and facilitates the dialogue;
• It allows to discover features of other cultures;
• It can be at the basis of new friendships;
• It’s a good occasion for practicing languages.

Consult Italian associations that organize workcamps in Italy and abroad:

www.campidivolontariato.net (Associazione InformaGiovani);

Below you can refer to foreign organizations:

Workcamps in France:
www.emmausexperience.org/fr -solidarity and knowledge camps.
www.rempart.com – camps for heritage restoration and archaeology.

Workcamps in Germany:
www.wwf-jugend.de/camps - environmental camps with WWF.
www.iayc.org – International Astronomy Camps (for volunteers from 16 to 26 years old).

Workcamps in the UK:
www.btcv.org – environmental preservation camps;
www.wrg.org.uk – restoration of abandoned canals. For volunteers whose first language is not English, it is necessary to be older than 21;
www.nationaltrust.org.uk/workingholidays -monumental reconstruction camps;
www.cat.org.uk/volunteers - workcamps at the Centre for Alternative

Technology Canolfan;
www.ffestiniograilway.org.uk – workcamps for locomotive restoration;
www.waterways.org.uk – preservation and renovation of abandoned canals. For volunteers between 18 and 70 years old.

Are you searching for workcamps for minors? Consult here

Data ultima modifica: 18 febbraio 2021
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