Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk

ESC in Estonia - Emanuela’s story

Emanuela ended her volunteering period in Estonia, this was her way of saying goodbye to this rewarding experience:

The first months of Emanuela in Estonia!

I am here to tell you what happened during these five months in Tallin. Let’s start from the beginning.

Esc in Estonia - Emanuela tells about herself

Hello everyone!

I’m Emanuela, I am 26 years old, and after finishing my experience as a Civil Service volunteer in my city, Cinisello Balsamo, I decided to jump into a new adventure that is to participate in an ESC project in Tallinn, Estonia.

  • Via XXV aprile, 4 20092 Cinisello Balsamo

    Centralino 02660231

    Numero Verde 800397469

    WhatsApp 366.6229188

    Segnalazioni del cittadino

    Posta certificata: comune.cinisellobalsamo@pec.regione.lombardia.it

    Codice Fiscale 01971350150
    Partita Iva 00727780967
    Codice Catastale: C707

    Sito registrato al Tribunale di Monza n. 2022