Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk
Servizi > Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk > Funded Projects > CoYOUTHWorking

Final Meeting

With a final evaluation meeting, the CoYOUTHworking project ended in February, which has engaged the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo in the role of coordinator for the last 2 and a half years.
It was a learning process for our institution and for all the organizations involved, which had an impact on different levels.
In particular, it emerged that the operators who contributed to the production of the outputs developed greater skills:
- in the field of youth work;
- on the theme of shared workspaces;
- as part of the Erasmus + program and project management;
- in multicultural team work;
- in the organization and implementation of activities for the inclusion and empowerment of young people.

Thanks to the working groups and the production of the outputs, the partners defined a shared language and created the basis for the development of future actions on this or other issues that directly involve them.
They got familiar with the tools created during the process and the results of the comparison with other examples of good practices, improving their organizational structure and the animation offer. This will have a positive impact both on young people hosted by coworking, and from the point of view of recognition by the community as open places for inclusion and promotion of work.

Through the involvement of other structures in the territories to which they belong (especially in the data collection phase and in the promotion activities), the promoters had the opportunity to strengthen local and regional networks, getting to know better their projects, operators, approaches and methodologies. The number of associated organizations / stakeholders involved in the project was 140: mostly were Municipalities, a significant figure if we consider that one of the project objectives was precisely to enhance the role of public bodies in the management of coworking spaces and to increase its impact in terms of inclusion and local development; a satisfactory number of youth work organizations was also reached, which made it possible to underline the possible connection between coworking spaces and youth work figures; equally significant was the number of startups involved, which were offered a new perspective on the spaces that host them and their potential, and the potential of other coworking spaces, which will be able to take inspiration from the guidelines produced.
As far as the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo is concerned, the project has helped to strengthen some networks already started; it also represented the first experience in the coordination role in a Key Action 2 initiative, helping to develop skills that were useful for presenting new proposals in the same area, both funded between 2021 and 2022.
For Co-Actions, it was an opportunity to start a new collaboration with the French National Agency for the regeneration of a new space, which is based on the results of the outputs. Based on the experience with CoYOUTHworking, ImpactHub has proposed two new projects under Erasmus + - Key Action 2, both approved in 2021.

Again on the basis of the final evaluation conducted with the project partners, CoYOUTHworking allowed stakeholders to develop greater awareness of the potential and methodologies of youth work, as well as the role that the youth worker could have within a coworking space; There was also a reflection on the needs of the youth worker as a separate professional category, with its own needs and learning approaches, to be integrated with the staff of the the work area. Moreover, they are more motivated to implement a greater number of activities aimed at young people within their spaces.
Local events involved a total of 280 people.

More than 600 young people (mainly startuppers) were involved in the activities of the partners based on the results of the project.

Data ultima modifica: 20 aprile 2022
  • Via XXV aprile, 4 20092 Cinisello Balsamo

    Centralino 02660231

    Numero Verde 800397469

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