Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk
Servizi > Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk > Youth Work > Museo facile da leggere

We visit the Museo Facile da Leggere

The project Museo Facile da Leggere move froward!

This project aims to promote the “easy to read language” inside the museums, it was written and applied by a mixed group of youngs under 30 with and without disabilities, some of them from Anffas Nord Milano.
The activities saw the exchange of competences between the touristic guides of Villa Ghirlanda Silva, in Cinisello Balsamo, and the project group. The guides passed down all the historical information of Villa Ghirlanda Silva, and at the same time the youngs taught the guides the “easy to read language”, an easy language that helps the comprehension of hard notions. It was born to help people with intellectual disabilities, but it is also useful for children, seniors and foreigners.
The 6th June, there was the inauguration of Museo facile da Leggere, and the visits, also open for the public, are continuing every Thursday morning.

Today was the turn of Ufficio Europa, the youth of the group showed and described us with lots of precision and passion some of the interiors of Villa Ghirlanda Silva, concluding with a tour of the garden of the Villa.

You can take part in a guided tour, the group awaits you on reservations.
For more info: museofaciledaleggere@gmail.com

Data ultima modifica: 18 giugno 2021
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