Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk

“Hubout. Public spaces of shared work”: Elevator Pitch 03/12/2020

The Elevator Pitch took place on Thursday 3 December 2020 at 2.30 pm, the last selection phase of the HubOut-Synergies project of the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo

Shake up your city - 25/26 November 2021

Cinisello Balsamo Municipality goes back to Matera for ANCI final event of the projects "Sinergie"

The staff of European project Department goes to Matera

The staff of European project Department went to Matera for an exchange with the colleagues of the city and the partnership.

  • Via XXV aprile, 4 20092 Cinisello Balsamo

    Centralino 02660231

    Numero Verde 800397469

    WhatsApp 366.6229188

    Segnalazioni del cittadino

    Posta certificata: comune.cinisellobalsamo@pec.regione.lombardia.it

    Codice Fiscale 01971350150
    Partita Iva 00727780967
    Codice Catastale: C707

    Sito registrato al Tribunale di Monza n. 2022