Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk
Servizi > Ufficio Europa - Agenzia Eurodesk > Agenzia Eurodesk Cinisello Balsamo > Opportunità per i giovani > Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà > Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà: i nostri volontari si raccontano > ESC in Portogallo - LAURA

My ESC Experience


Last month we started working at the kindergarten and I couldn’t be happier.

I am really enjoying my time at the school, the kids are amazing, they are really curious about us and our culture and the teachers welcomed me in the best way and they always make me feel included and part of the class.

It took some days to get used to everything, at the beginning I was trying to communicate with some Italian words and a lot of gesture but now I can understand almost everything (If they speak slowly) and I am trying my best to communicate with the kids in Portuguese.

Last week we prepared several activities about Italy and the Italian culture. First of all, I have shown the kids some Italian monuments and videos about Italy, after that we made the Italian flag with different type of Pasta, we danced Italian Tarantella, prepared some Pizzas with colored paper and on the last day we prepared REAL pizzas. The kids were really excited about these activities and their reaction made me feel really appreciated and satisfied.

I am sure in the next weeks we will do other interesting activities and games with the kids.

Here some photos at the kindergarten during the activities!

Até já


Data ultima modifica: 28 maggio 2021
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